Thursday, October 14, 2010

Season 3 Ep. 4 : Kosong

Have u ever felt,
one morning, when you wake up,
so lonely?

I did.

One day, all of us are going to part.
We know it already.
But we live in denial.
We lie to ourselves that they are always going to be there for us.
We could never prepare for, or even think about it.

But then, it just happened.
The night before, it was just as festive as if there was no tomorrow.
But the next morning, there's only silence.
They left you
or you left them.

When we are far apart, only then we can know the value of our friendship.
I'm sorry for all the mistakes I'd done.

Oh, how I miss our old days.
When everybody was so genuine and REAL.
When everybody was supporting each other.
When everybody laughed and sobbed together.

I miss you, friends...


Ilman Wahab said...

oh, itu sangat ikhlas dan paling bermakna....

kami(delima) tahu kita semua berjauhan,
tapi kami(delima) juga tahu kita semua tak pernah lupa hari kelmarin.

dayanaazhar:) said...

MCKK ke ang dulu??

but, this is what we called LIFE
once, we are brothers and sisters, under the same roof, laughing, crying together,
and when the time comes, everyone needs to go by separate paths.

eskrem said...

huhu.. thx... baru sedaq kita keja jamuan ja nohh

true. despite the differences, hopefully ukhuwah selama-lamanya...

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