Assalamualaikum readers, long time no see...
Our world actually expands. We walk, we travel, we meet people, we make good to people and we part as well. that's the real fact of life. we have our primary education and we make friends. but then, we separate, some are going to residential schools and some are transferring. then we go to sekolah menengah. we learn how life is. we meet new people. we move on. and then, pmr is out. we get excellent result. we transfer to other school, seeking better experiences and opportunities. after that, God knows.
but i'm planning that sytra will be the last school for me. get over with the past and deal with this new thing. and i've met interesting people here. they are just fucking cool and unique. here i'm going to tell u guys about them.
ungku athirahthe first person that come through my head is her, ungku athirah binti abdulaziz. she is kind of different. totally different. she is a great presenter and also a great debater. she describe herself as the machine-gun of the house(which later she turned into a watergun). of course, she is the third speaker. and she likes doing the emcee thingy. she likes it and she feels honoured to do so, that was what she told me. a very confident girl. another thing, she likes to come out with, sort of stupid question which actually is a good question. u will never think of that b4. and her english was like, macam air. cuma sangat2 la laju... so that's why when she is presenting something or debating, we will signal her to slow down a lil bit. some people cannnot easily catch. some people will call her ungku, but i will call her athirah bcoz ungku xde makne pon kan?.. and some more, she is totally a genius. she is a genius in stuffs that require reading like sejarah and biology... she can read and describe it back to you in complete. and i like with her principle of morale. she criticizes people who are backstabbers and irresponsible. farhan always tease her with 'sepet' and 'bini keempat'... this 'anak cina' is strongly against polygamy. what she comment on polygamy is " aku x kisah laki aku nanti nk kawin lagi ke, tapi i will never share my love with some other people".. cmner tuh???
ilman@ilohow i would describe him, eh? a boy who is great at basketball ( he is reaaally a pro, ok), high jump, and a very motivated person. for me, his life is perfect, well almost. study ok, sukan ok, relationship ok, leadership ok. last year saje dah berapa byk jawatan dia pegang, dh brapa byk program dia pergi. pulun r dia ni. hehe... and he is the pushy type. kalau dia nk sesuatu, dia akan berusaha sungguh2. love working with him. and he is just like me, lanky and tall. sekarang ni, dia tgh berusaha nk naikkan akademik dia. just imagine, he stays up late at night, wakes up early, baca buku. and dia dh jarang main basketball, main pun masa ujung minggu atau bila gian sgt2 je. kadang2 tu kesian gak tgk cara dia, but i think it's for his own good. InsyaAllah, the success will be yours! dan kejayaan dia urus SORU VI lepas mcm satu hadiah buat dia. the event went well and teachers liked it. except for that one.... *_*"
adamyerp... muhammad adam bin abdul aziz bin atta... what i can say, he have everything, great influence, hot bod, excellent result, handsome pan-asian face, good speaker, confidence, cute girl and jackass nature. complete.
uranus fifth them. fahmi, qamarul, zaki, abond, pon, syameer, danial. | qamarul, zaki and abond, dgn indie diorg...| |syameer.. what i can say abt him is he is a good friend..| |fahmi... apek jongos yang ensem.. wakakakak| |pon.. x byk ckp tp cool je..| |danial... lelaki maskulin.. haahahak| mmg best r lepak ngan diorang...
nasrihahaha... memang aku salute r dgn mamat ni... walaupun dia ni x la berapa betol sgt, tapi dgn otak bisnes dia tu membolehkan dia dapat duit.... respek jugak r tgk cara dia buat bisnes, modal biar sket, untung biar byk.. hahak...
i don't know what to say.. he is a genius... cuma dia malas je... dari gaya dia tu aku dpt tgk sinar hidayah tu mula memancar kat dia.. tunggu masa je... amin... seseorang yang boleh dibuat berkawan.. bgus r dia ni.. x sombong...
farhan syamirpelik2 la dia ni. he likes computer, and graphic design. some people be annoyed with him because of his direct to the point mouth. he is an egoist. and he admits that. that's why i like him. admit what you are and accept critics(wait, did he?). a nice person to be talk to. his obsession is sociology and politics. ask him, and he will tell u the latest updates of malaysia. aku suka dia ni. berterus terang. and dia x kisah orang nk benci dia, sbb mmg payah nk puaskan hati semua orang, kan?
syed dzafeergenius. and sangat rajin. a very humble person, indeed. well-liked by girls.. cynically funny. gelap cam manggis, tapi manis isinya... tapi mmg pandai add math r dia ni... bg je soalan pe pon.. leyhnyer ahhh....
penghuni dan pendatang bilik kphakim, pak wan, anas, ameq - semua gila. hakim cam orang tue.. cekang je cadar dia... lepas benda kat katil dia melantun balik... pak wan semak r.. and selalu ja jadi bahan nk paku.. hehe.. anas ngan ameq duk mai study malam2... ameq cool, selamber je... shemart gak... best lepak sana malam2 makan megi.... pstu yang slalu bertandang sini, farhan husni... dia ni mmg pandai x mau2... perangai cam pelik sket, tp cekang woo... dlm kelas rilek ja.. tmbah2 exam, psiko orang lain x mau2... mmg takut r tgk dia...
takat ni je kot. there's some other interesting people to list over here, tp mampos r nk citer pasal semua. in fact, all of u guys are fun and cool. u all have lightened up my life... thx..